Invoking Bees
During the month of July 2017, on the main square of the City Plaza in Nieuwegein, the KCN gallery organized an event where the artists made their works in the public place, interacting with public, people interested in art and the process of its creation. Several participating artist was invited to chose a subject that she/he believes addresses an aspect of everyday life that deserves a particular public attention, having several days allotted for its creation. In that way, the event was more than an action dedicated to rising public interest in the visual art – it was also an opportunity to interact with public in a dialog about particular subject of the artist’s choice.
For that purpose I made a painting “Invoking Bees”, as my reaction to alarming disappearance of bees, these hard-working creatures of invaluable importance for human environment. Dressed in a green tunic, the color of healthy nature, in the course of three days I have painted, talked to people sharing similar concerns, and met countless and inspiring art fans interested in the technique of granulated medium, starch and pigment, that I used to apply extensively in my paintings created in the 90s, and gave it a shot once again for this occasion.