“Bathing Women” was made for exhibition entitled “The Bath” (“Het Bad”) at the Royal art association Genotschap Kunstliefde in Utrecht.
The installation is an hommage to Impressionists, who were frequently inspired by the beauty of women taking bath and reflections in the water. From Degas to Renoir, the intimacy of those moments produced some of the most poetic paintings in the history of art.
The “Bathing Women” installation includes a painting made in combined technique, featuring the most famous figures of bathing women from paintings of French impressionists, and a cutout of the Renoir’s bathing woman, placed on the surface depicting the water. Together with objects associated with water, such as small shells and a sponge, the figure is reflected in two angled mirrors, resulting in multiple images standing for countless observers that enjoy the immortal art all over the world.
“Bathing Women” was exhibited in the individual exposition in Paris, in the Gallery “Le Lys”, as well as in Den Haag, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam.